Monday, October 8, 2018

We Should Never Compare Our Kids With Others

Every child is special, every child has its own dreams

We all as parents want our kids to be an all-rounder. We want them to be the best among all. This pushes the kids is under a constant pressure to perform. It is the era of competition now, where children are constantly pressurized to excel. Parents don’t want their children to be complacent, which is why they keep pushing them to do better and better.

We should remember, every child is different, every child is special, every child has its own personality, every child tries to endeavor and focus best in its life. Primarily, every child has its own dreams. In the present age, where competition has spread its tentacles in every walk of life, it is crucial to teach our kids to be grounded. And comparing them with other kids will not help; instead, it will make them lose confidence in themselves.  

Here are some reasons why we should not compare our kids with others:

Every Child Is Different
We should always remember that each child is an individual, and has their own talents and interests. Let them develop their own interests and abilities. They should not feel that they have to be more like a sibling or their friend.

It will affect their self-esteem
One of the really important reasons not to compare your child to others is that it hits their self-esteem hard. How would you like to be constantly compared to others? If we constantly compare our kids with others, it will affect their self-esteem; they will slowly start doubting themselves. It is our job to constantly encourage them at every step they take and not remind them of who else is ahead.

It builds up jealousy
If you keep comparing your kid with his friends or siblings, they may begin to suffer from pangs of extreme jealousy.  Jealousy among kids may translate into a rivalry. Due to the constant comparison, our kids may start feeling incompetent which, in turn, will give birth to jealousy. The child might start viewing the sibling/friend as the enemy.

It will damage the parent-child relationship
If you tell your child time and again that her friend is better than her, she will eventually start despising you. Children are emotionally vulnerable. They may not be able to see the bigger picture and that you are concerned for them. Instead, they will feel that you do not love them.  They will lose their natural confidence and autonomy.

We parents are the first teachers of our children. We are the ones they look up to and we are the ones they come to when they are low. So, it is our duty to strive to put our best foot forward, to let our kids grow each day in a positive environment. Let us tell them every day how special they are.

Comparing your child to others is likely to give them a negative image of themselves. Parenthood isn't a competition, and you don't have to show other parents how much better your child is, or worry that other children are doing better than your own. Gently encourage them to believe in themselves, and help them discover their own talent.

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